





主持人: 徐亞瑛教授






















1.          Liu, H.-Y., Yang, C.-T., Wang, Y.-N., Hsu, W.-C., Huang, T.-H., Lin, Y.-E, Liu C.-Y., & Shyu, Y.-I. L.* (in press). Balancing competing needs mediates the association of caregiving demand with caregiver role strain and depressive symptoms of dementia caregivers: A cross-sectional stud. Journal of Advanced Nursing. (SCI, SSCI)

2.          Huang, H. L., Weng, L. C., Hu, W. Y., Shyu, Y. L., Yu, W. P., & Chen, K. H. (in press). End-of-life care discussion for residents with dementia in long-term care facilities. Journal of Nursing Research. (SCI, SSCI)

3.          Liu, H.-Y., Yang, C.-T., Tseng, M.-Y., Chen, C.-Y., Wu, C.-C., Cheng, H.-S., Lin, Y.-E, & Shyu, Y.-I. L. (in press). Trajectories in postoperative recovery of elderly hip-fracture patients at risk for depression: A follow-up study. Rehabilitation Psychology. (SSCI)

4.          Kuo, L.-M., Huang, H.-L., Liang, J., Kwok, Y.-T., Hsu, W.-C., Liu, J.-Y., & Shyu, Y.-I. L.* (2017). Trajectories of health-related quality of life among family caregivers of individuals with dementia: A home-based caregiver-training program matters. Geriatric Nursing, 38(2), 124-132. (SCI, SSCI)

5.          Yeh, H.-F., Shao, J.-H., Li, C.-L., Wu, C.-C., & Shyu, Y.-I.* (2017). Predictors of postoperative falls in the first and second postoperative years among elderly hip fracture patients. Journal of Clinical Nursing. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1111/jocn.13743 (SCI, SSCI)

6.          Chang, H.-Y., Shyu, Y.-I. L., Wong, M.-K., Chu, T.-L., Lo, Y.-Y., & Teng, C.-I.* (2017). How does burnout impact the three components of nursing professional commitment? Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1111/scs.12425 (SSCI)

7.          Wang, C.-L., Shyu, Y.-I. L.,* Wang, J.-Y., & Lu, C.-H. (2017). Progressive compensatory symbiosis: Spouse caregiver experiences of caring for persons with dementia in Taiwan. Aging & Mental Health, 21(3), 241-252. (SCI, SSCI)

8.          Kuo, L.-M., Huang, H.-L., Liang, J., Kwok, Y.-T., Hsu, W.-C., Su P.-L., & Shyu, Y.-I. L.* (2017). A randomised controlled trial of a home-based training programme to decrease depression in family caregivers of persons with dementia. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 73, 585-598. (SCI, SSCI)

9.          Wang, H.-P., Liang, J., Kuo, L.-M., & Shyu, Y.-I. L.* (2017). Trajectories of nutritional status and cognitive impairment among older Taiwanese with hip fracture. Journal of Nutrition Health & Aging, 21(1), 38-45. (SCI)

10.      Huang, Y.-F., Liang, J., & Shyu, Y.-I. L.* (2016). Number of comorbidities negatively influence psychological outcomes of the elderly following hip fracture in Taiwan. Journal of Aging & Health, 28, 1343-1361. (SSCI)

11.      Wang, H.-H., Shyu, Y.-I. L., Chang, H.-Y., Bai, Y.-B., Stanaway, F., Lin, J.-D., & Li, C.-L.* (2016). Prevalence, characteristics, and acute care utilization of disabled older adults with an absence of help for activities of daily living: Findings from a nationally representative survey. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 67, 28-33. (SCI)

12.      Tseng, M.-Y., Shyu, Y.-I. L., Liang, J.,* & Tsai, W. C. (2016). Interdisciplinary intervention reduced the risk of being persistently depressive among older patients with hip fracture. Geriatrics & Gerontology International, 16, 1145-1152. Equal contribution (SCI, SSCI)

13.      徐佩琪、莊依菲、鐘美怡、徐亞瑛、黃秀梨*、鄭亘妙(2016)。失智症友善社區評估:以台北市中正區崁頂次分區為例。長庚護理,273),467-475

14.      Kuo, L.-M., Huang, H.-L., Hsu, W.-C., Wang, Y.-T., & Shyu, Y.-I. L.* (2016). Home-based caregiver training: Benefits differ by care receivers' dementia diagnosis. Geriatric Nursing, 37, 376-384. (SCI, SSCI)

15.      Chen, K. H.,* Liu, C. Y., Shyu, Y. I. L., & Yeh, S. L. (2016). Living with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: The process of self-managing chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. The Journal of Nursing Research, 24(3), 262-271. (SCI, SSCI)

16.      Shyu, Y.-I. L.,* Liang, J., Tseng, M.-Y., Li, H.-J., Wu, C.-C., Cheng, H.-S., Chou, S.-W., Chen, C.-Y., & Yang, C.-T. (2016). Enhanced interdisciplinary care improves self-care ability and decreases emergency department visits for older Taiwanese patients over 2 years after hip-fracture surgery: A randomised controlled trial. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 56, 54-62. (SCI, SSCI)

17.      Chen, S.-H., Shyu, Y.-I. L., Ko, Y. S., Kung, H. L., & Shao, J.-H.* (2016). Perceptions about eating experiences of low-literate older adults with heart disease: A qualitative study. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 72, 802-812. (SCI, SSCI)

18.      Kuo, W., Shyu, Y.-I. L.,* Wang, J.-S., Chen, M.-C., Wu, C.-C., & Huang, Y.-F. (2016). The impact of sleep duration on recovery post-hip fracture among older diabetic adults in Taiwan. Geriatric Nursing, 37(2), 137-144. (SCI, SSCI)

19.      Tseng, M.-Y., Liang, J., Shyu, Y.-I. L.,* Wu, C.-C., Cheng, H.-S., Chen, C.-Y., & Yang, S.-F. (2016). Effects of interventions on trajectories of health-related quality of life among older patients with hip fracture: A prospective randomized controlled trial. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 17(1), 114. (SCI)

20.      黃惠玲*徐亞瑛、徐文俊、黃慈心(2015)。以能力為基礎的失智症衛教師訓練課程模式。長庚科技學刊,2323-34

21.      Chang, H.-Y., Shyu, Y.-I. L., Wong, M. K., Friesner, D., Chu, T.-L., & Teng, C.-I.* (2015). Which aspects of professional commitment can effectively retain nurses in the nursing profession? Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 47, 468-476. (SCI, SSCI)

22.      Liu, H.-Y., Yang, C.-T., Cheng, H.-S., Wu, C.-C., Chen, C.-Y., & Shyu, Y.-I. L.* (2015). Family caregivers' mental health is associated with postoperative recovery of elderly patients with hip fracture: A sample in Taiwan. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 78, 452-458. (SCI, SSCI)

23.      Huang, H.-L., Shyu, Y.-I. L.,* Chen, M.-C., Huang, C.-C., Kuo, H.-C., Chen, S.-T., & Hsu, W.-C. (2015). Family caregivers’ role implementation at different stages of dementia. Clinical Interventions in Aging, 2015(10), 135-146. (SCI)

24.      Kuo, L.-M., Huang, H.-L., Hsu, W.-C., & Shyu, Y.-I. L.* (2014). Health-related quality of life and self-efficacy of managing behavior problems for family caregivers of vascular dementia and Alzheimer‘s disease patients. Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders, 38, 310-320. (SCI)

25.      Liu, H.-Y., Wang, Y.-N., Huang, H.-L., Hsu, W.-C., Lin, Y.-E, Huang, T.-H., & Shyu, Y.-I. L.* (2014). Psychometric properties of the finding a balance scale for family caregivers of elders with dementia in Taiwan. Research in Nursing & Health, 37, 336-346. (SCI & SSCI)

26.      Wang, H.-H., Sheu, J.-T., Shyu, Y.-I. L., Chang, H.-Y., & Li, C.-L.* (2014). Geriatric conditions as predictors of increased number of hospital admissions and hospital bed days over one year: Findings of a nationwide cohort of older adults from Taiwan. Archives of Gerontology & Geriatrics, 59(1), 169-174. (SCI)

27.      Liu, H.-Y., Tseng, M.-Y., Li, H.-J., Wu, C.-C., Cheng, H.-S., Yang, C.-T., Chou, S.-W., Chen, C.-Y., & Shyu, Y.-I. L.* (2014). Comprehensive care improves physical recovery of hip-fractured elderly Taiwanese patients with poor nutritional status. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, 15, 416-422. (SCI)

28.      Yang, C.-T., Liu, H.-Y., & Shyu, Y.-I. L.* (2014). Dyadic relational resources and role strain in family caregivers of persons living with dementia at home: A cross-sectional survey. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 51, 593-602. (SCI, SSCI)

29.      Huang, Y.-F., Liang, J., & Shyu, Y.-I. L.* (2014). Ageism perceived by the elderly in Taiwan following hip fracture. Archives of Gerontology & Geriatrics, 58(1), 30-36. (SCI)


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1. 徐亞瑛:老年髖關節骨折保健:認知功能缺損老人家庭照顧

2. 徐亞瑛:及早認識失智症的高危險因子:輕度認知障礙

聯絡窗口:劉錦螢小姐 03-211-8800#5736
